About Mohammad Afesh

welcome you to my website which adopts a spiritual–cum-psychological approach in dealing with the victims of spiritual diseases Evil Eye, Possession, Magic Spell .
Using Transcendental Quranic Meditition technique.The methodology is borrowed from divine law and the traditions of the Prophets, including Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah, who set the seal on Prophethood.

Most of us have heard about people who cured chronic diseases because of their abiding faith in God. Yet, any attempt to explore that relationship invited ridicule and contempt from scientists and physicians alike for centuries. Hinting at such an issue by a researcher is considered academically suicidal during recent years .
They pursued studies in major institutes of scientific research on the impact of faith in healing. An evidence of the emerging trend in this direction comes from the recent conferences held at Harvard, the Mayo Clinic and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Spiritual therapy is known both in the East and the West and is relied upon for its therapeutic value in cases which cannot be diagnosed or cured by doctors. This is where Arab and Muslim doctors excelled by making use of the healing powers derived from divine teachings.
They clearly made their mark in this field in more than a thousand years. During the Renaissance period great Arab philosophers like Ibn Sina and Al-Farabi as well as a Canadian doctor wrote books and conducted experiments based on the findings of scientists known to the Arabs. Their treatment was based on spiritual practices through which they attained healing powers.
It has now become clear that the pressure of living in a complex world builds up tension and causes other psychological problems as well as mental illness.. Specialists in hypnotherapy and other behavioural sciences also failed to diagnose the cause of these illnesses, for which the only solution lies in faith healing. It is the only means for the treatment of mental illness and restoring mental health. So whether it is schizophrenia, hysterical behaviour or any other psycho-neurotic disorder caused by spiritual diseases, the patient will not respond to the normal medical treatment( never ). The remedy is available only through the spiritual science. It is a recognized fact beyond any dispute. The sooner we learn to differentiate between spiritual disease and mental illness, the better it is for the patient, who can be spared mental torture and other forms of agony. I have seen the change that came about in the lives of these unfortunate victims who were not responding to medical or mental treatment before. The smiles on their face following their spiritual treatment are a standing testimony to the effectiveness of Qur’anic healing when other forms of treatment fail.

I graduated from the US, from where I obtained MA degree in clinical psychology. (Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapy), too, I am qualified, since I have memorized the Holy Qur’an
This website deals with the adverse effects of spiritual diseases , black magic, voodoo, evil eye, Jinn touch , and gives glad tidings to the unfortunate victims that help in dealing with this problem is just a click away in this digital world. I have launched my website specifically for the victims of black magic evil eye , Jinn touch who mistake it for a medical problem and seek a solution in vain. I have been in this field for the past 10 years during which I have successfully treated many victims of these evil forces at my healing clinic through Qur’anic verses for both Muslims and non-Muslims

.Mohammad Afesh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



Amacim  manevi hastaliklarin kurbani olan

insanlara psikolojik tedavi ve kuran terapisi ile yardimci olmaktir.

Transandant Kuran meditasyon tekniginikullanarak metodoloji ilahi kanundan ve  peygamber efendimizi muhurluyen ve diger peygamberler olmak uzere peygamberlerimizin geleneklerinden alinmistir.

Cogumuz Allaha olan inanclarindan dolayi kronik hastaliklari tedavi eden insanlar hakkinda birseyler duyuyoruz.Yinede bu iliskiyi arastirmaya yonelik herhangi bir girisimde bulunan olmadi yuzlerce yildir bilim adamlarininve doktorlarin alay konusu oldu..Iyilesmenin iman uzerindeki etkileri uzerine buyuk bilimsel arastirmalar yapilmaya baslandi.

Amerikan bilim odasi  AAAS Mayo klinigi ve bilim gelistirme Amerikan toplulugu ruhsal terapi hem doguda hem de batida bilinmekte ve doktorlar tarafindan teshis edilmeye veya tedavi edilemeyen durumlarda terapotik etkili oldugunun kanaatine vardilar.Bin yildan daha uzun bir suredir bu alandaki izler acikca ifade ediliyor.Ronesans doneminde arap filozoflar Ibni sina Emir Sultan HZ ve El Farabi ve Kanadali bir doktoru yazdilar ve Araplar tarafindan bilinen bilim adamlari uzerine deneyler yaptilar.onlarin tedavisi iyilestirici guclere eristikleri manevi uygulamalara dayaniyordu.Bunun yaninda insanlara yardim etmek icin ilac ve kuran ile tedaviyi beraber uygulayarak tedaviye devam ediyorlardi bende ayni fikirdeyim ve bana gelen hastalara ayni yontem ile yardimci olmaya calisiyorum.D aha ayrintili bilg ialmak icin lutfen iletisim kurmaktan cekinmeyin Whatsup 00966505464270